Advanced Extension Reloader
By http://bit.ly/browservery
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Download and install the Advanced Extension Reloader extension 1.5.0 for Microsoft edge store. Also, Advanced Extension Reloader addons is very helpful for every computer and mobile users Users.
Advanced Extension Reloader extension for Edge
Advanced Extension Reloader Extension For Microsoft Edge you can help with quality browsers. Day by Day, Microsoft Edge. This guide will help you to download Advanced Extension Reloader extension 1.5.0 on their website. Anyway, Advanced Extension Reloader is developed by http://bit.ly/browservery. First, you must download their Edge browser then this guide will help to install on their browser through the extension.
In the event that you have wanted to download an extension onto the latest version of Microsoft Edge, there is a simple and straightforward course of action. The following steps will enable you to download and install any extensions that you might want to use.
Table of Contents
Download Advanced Extension Reloader extension for Microsoft Edge
Edgeaddons.com is the most popular Microsoft Edge browser, an extension free download alternative website. On this website you can download Extensions no need for any Registration. I think you have a better solution to this website. Advanced Extension Reloader is the blogging category extension in the Microsoft Edge web store.
Anyway, You can understand how to download the free Advanced Extension Reloader extension 1.5.0 simply by visiting our website. There are no special technical skills required to save the files on your computer. So what are you waiting for? Go ahead!
Advanced Extension Reloader extension Features
Reload an unpacked extension with one click, hotkey or automatically.
Advanced Extension Reloader is an extension that reloads unpacked extensions you develop for you. By installing this extension you will be able to reload all your unpacked extensions at once with a click on the browser action icon. You will also be able to:
★ Limit reload only to extension with a specific id.
★ Reload extension(s) with a hotkey.
★ Set up an automatic reload on your extension’s files change with the help of supplementary packages Advanced Extension Reloader Watch 1 (if you develop an extension without a bundler) or Advanced Extension Reloader Watch 2 (if you use Webpack).
★ Make Advanced Extension Reloader play a sound when your extension(s) is reloaded.
★ Make Advanced Extension Reloader reload the current tab or all tabs after your extension(s) is reloaded (useful for content script).
After reloading your extension(s) Advanced Extension Reloader will reopen all closed during reloading tabs (for example, the options page of your extension(s)).
Below is a detailed description on how to use the Advanced Extension Reloader and its supplementary packages.
Manual reload
To reload extension(s), click on the extension icon in the toolbar or hit “Reload extension main” hotkey specified at chrome://extensions/shortcuts. You can change how your extension is reloaded by editing the “Extension’s icon click action” field on the settings page.
Example of settings:
“all_tabs”: false,
“hard”: true,
“ext_id”: “ffhljpfecjcfjdaneehmhdgplkaafnbb”,
“play_sound”: true
Right-clicking on the extension icon will bring additional reload actions which can be changed by editing the “Extension’s icon context menu actions” field in the settings page.
The field accepts an array of objects with the same schema as seen in “Extension’s icon click action”. Keep in mind that there is a limit on how many items can appear there. You can also use reload actions defined here by hitting one of the “Reload extension X” hotkeys specified at chrome://extensions/shortcuts, where X is a position in the array.
Automatic reload
To automatically reload your extension you will need two supplementary packages: Advanced Extension Reloader Watch 1 and Advanced Extension Reloader Watch 2. You will need to install Node JS and npm package manager to use them.
If you develop an extension without a bundler you will need Advanced Extension Reloader Watch 1. It will watch your files for changes and send a message to Advanced Extension Reloader, so it could reload your extension.
Here is how to use it:
1. Install the package globally using:
npm install advanced-extension-reloader-watch-1 –global
2. Create a config.json anywhere on your machine.
Example of config.json:
“port”: 6220, // Important: the port defined here should be duplicated in the Advanced Extension Reloader’s settings page.
“watch_dir”: “D:/Cloud/Projects/Advanced Extension Reloader Examples/advanced-extension-reloader-examples/no_bundler/extensions/manifest_3”,
“ext_id”: “jepkffhnnekngedhempoflhcmoogpkph”,
“hard_paths”: [
“hard”: false,
“all_tabs”: false,
“play_sound”: true
3. Open the command prompt/terminal and execute the following command: watch-ext –config path_to_your_config.json
If you want changes to your extension’s manifest to be reflected you would need to use listen() function from the Advanced Extension Reloader Watch 2 supplementary package.
Here’s how to use it:
1. Download listener.js from here (https://bit.ly/2UI90jO) if your background script is an ES module, or here (https://bit.ly/3sCWH4R) otherwise.
2. Import listener.js in the background script and call listen() function like so:
new Listener().listen();
If you develop an extension with a bundler you will need Advanced Extension Reloader Watch 2.
Install Advanced Extension Reloader Watch 2 using:
npm install advanced-extension-reloader-watch-2 –save-dev
See example Webpack config: https://bit.ly/2XKcbIN
The new Reloader() constructor accepts an object with port and watch_dir properties.
The reloader.reload() function accepts object with hard, all_tab, ext_id, play_sound, after_reload_delay, manifest_path, hard_paths, soft_paths, all_tab_paths, and one_tab_paths properties.
The reloader.play_error_notification() function allows you to play an error notification sound on bundling failure.
You can also use listen() function like so:
import Listener from ‘advanced-extension-reloader-watch-2/umd/listener’;
new Listener().listen();
hard: boolean
Default: true
Applies to: Advanced Extension Reloader, Advanced Extension Reloader Watch 1, Advanced Extension Reloader Watch 2
Whether to reload an extension as opposed to just reloading the current tab. If set to false, the background page will not reload. The changes in manifest.json will not be reflected even if this option is true unless you use listen() function from the Advanced Extension Reloader Watch 2 supplementary package in the background script of the target extension. Can be combined with “all_tabs”.
all_tabs: boolean
Default: false
Applies to: Advanced Extension Reloader, Advanced Extension Reloader Watch 1, Advanced Extension Reloader Watch 2
Whether to reload all tabs as opposed to just reloading the current tab.
ext_id: string
Default: undefined
Applies to: Advanced Extension Reloader, Advanced Extension Reloader Watch 1, Advanced Extension Reloader Watch 2
An id of an extension to reload in “hard” mode. If unspecified, all extensions will be reloaded.
play_sound: boolean
Default: false
Applies to: Advanced Extension Reloader, Advanced Extension Reloader Watch 1, Advanced Extension Reloader Watch 2
Whether to play notification sound upon reload completion.
after_reload_delay: number
Default: 1000
Applies to: Advanced Extension Reloader, Advanced Extension Reloader Watch 1, Advanced Extension Reloader Watch 2
The amount of time in milliseconds to wait after an extension was reloaded before reloading closed tabs. If you experience any errors in your extension after its pages reloaded or extension’s pages reload blank, you may try to increase this value.
port: number
Default: 7220
Applies to: Advanced Extension Reloader Watch 1, Advanced Extension Reloader Watch 2
A port, that should expect messages to reload an extension. You will need multiple ports if you develop multiple extensions. Important: the port defined here should be duplicated in the Advanced Extension Reloader’s settings page.
watch_dir: string
Default: src
Applies to: Advanced Extension Reloader Watch 1, Advanced Extension Reloader Watch 2
A path to the directory to watch for file changes. Should be your extension’s directory path.
manifest_path: boolean | string
Default: false
Applies to: Advanced Extension Reloader Watch 1, Advanced Extension Reloader Watch 2
A path to the extension’s manifest.json. Can be a boolean, if true Advanced Extension Reloader Watch 1/2 will look for manifest.json in the watch_dir directory. Advanced Extension Reloader Watch 1/2 needs this option to check the validity of manifest.json before reloading an extension. If the manifest.json is not valid, reload will be canceled so your extension doesn’t crash.
hard_paths: string[]
Default: []
Applies to: Advanced Extension Reloader Watch 1, Advanced Extension Reloader Watch 2
An array of paths or partial paths (like file name). If an extension reload is triggered by a change in files/directories with one of these paths, it will reload with hard: true even if hard: false is specified in the config.
soft_paths: string[]
Default: []
Applies to: Advanced Extension Reloader Watch 1, Advanced Extension Reloader Watch 2
An array of paths or partial paths (like file name). If an extension reload is triggered by a change in files/directories with one of these paths, it will reload with hard: false even if hard: true is specified in the config.
all_tabs_paths: string[]
Default: []
Applies to: Advanced Extension Reloader Watch 1, Advanced Extension Reloader Watch 2
An array of paths or partial paths (like file name). If an extension reload is triggered by a change in files/directories with one of these paths, it will reload with all_tabs: true even if all_tabs: false is specified in the config.
one_tab_paths: string[]
Default: []
Applies to: Advanced Extension Reloader Watch 1, Advanced Extension Reloader Watch 2
An array of paths or partial paths (like file name). If an extension reload is triggered by a change in files/directories with one of these paths, it will reload with all_tabs: false even if all_tabs: true is specified in the config.
Sample extensions can be found here: https://bit.ly/3y9GTI2
Read your browsing history
Allows the extension to reopen tabs closed during the reload.
Manage your apps, extensions, and themes
Allows the extension to reload extensions.
GitHub: https://bit.ly/advanced-extension-reloader-github
Follow my Facebook page (more extensions): https://bit.ly/browservery
In conclusion, the process for modifying our browser’s behaviour to add the word count feature is unbelievably simple. In this regard, an extension not only solves a problem that we have but also adds a greater degree of functionality to the experience of using an Edge browser. If you have any problem with Advanced Extension Reloader Add-ons install feel free to comment below next reply to answer this question.
Technical Information
Version: | 1.5.0 |
File size: | 785KiB |
Language: | English, русский |
Copyright: | http://bit.ly/browservery |