Leprosorium on Steroids extension

Leprosorium on Steroids


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Download and install the Leprosorium on Steroids extension 2.0.13 for Microsoft edge store. Also, Leprosorium on Steroids addons is very helpful for every computer and mobile users Users.



Leprosorium on Steroids extension for Edge

Leprosorium on Steroids Extension For Microsoft Edge you can help with quality browsers. Day by Day, Microsoft Edge. This guide will help you to download Leprosorium on Steroids extension 2.0.13 on their website. Anyway, Leprosorium on Steroids is developed by LHQ. First, you must download their Edge browser then this guide will help to install on their browser through the extension.

In the event that you have wanted to download an extension onto the latest version of Microsoft Edge, there is a simple and straightforward course of action. The following steps will enable you to download and install any extensions that you might want to use.

Download Leprosorium on Steroids extension for Microsoft Edge

Edgeaddons.com is the most popular Microsoft Edge browser, an extension free download alternative website. On this website you can download Extensions no need for any Registration. I think you have a better solution to this website. Leprosorium on Steroids is the blogging category extension in the Microsoft Edge web store.

Anyway, You can understand how to download the free BobiTag extension 2.0.13 simply by visiting our website. There are no special technical skills required to save the files on your computer. So what are you waiting for? Go ahead!

Leprosorium on Steroids extension Features

Set of different things and pipyakas that increase hang time on Leprosorium.
* v2.0.13
– bugfix: show close icon
– bugfix: enable pinterest layout for 2, 3, etc pages
– enhancement: added mark as read button

* v2.0.12
– bugfix: show pinned post’s user
– bugfix: <Where possible, make as much of your code visible in the package as you can.> means that I cannot use minified version of jQuery and other popular libraries. Thank you google!

* v2.0.11
– bugfix: fixed collapse comments feature
– bugfix: show sublepra page name
– bugfix: if video integration is disabled don’t broke video links

* v2.0.10
– bugfix: fixed new layout

* v2.0.9
– bugfix: fixed new layout

* v2.0.9
– bugfix: fixed width of pictures in the comments
– bugfix: pinterest mode crashes in case if there is an anonymous post
– enhancement: removed ‘fix huge picture’ from Options

* v2.0.8
– enhancement: added ‘close’ button and original link for embed videos
– bugfix: fix coub player

* v2.0.7
– bugfix: improved comments page scroll speed with enabled sticky filter option
– enhancement: added paddings for comments

* v2.0.6
– bugfix: fix comments and filters

* v2.0.5
– bugfix: fix video embedded controls
– bugfix: disable multiple ‘load more’
– bugfix: embedded player size
– bugfix: fix autoplay mode for vimeo

* v2.0.4
– feature: added image resizer
– bugfix: fix css styles

* v2.0.3.1
– bugfix: fix date filters
– remove console debug output

* v2.0.3
– feature: added year range for date filters
– bugfix: fix date filters

* v2.0.2
– bugfix: support https & http connections

* v2.0.1
– bugfix: fix comment collapse/expand icon style, remove left margin
– bugfix: fix `auto preload next pages` feature

* v2.0
– bugfix: full support of lepra v2.0
– bugfix: fix user highlights
– bugfix: fix comments page and filter feature
– bugfix: fix democracy page
– feature: added user registraton number as a title

* v1.6.4.7
– bugfix: fix new page layout

* v1.6.4.6
– bugfix: support posts without comments
– bugfix: fix null pointer exception in smart images mode

* v1.6.4.5
– bugfix: support anonymous posts

* v1.6.4.4
– bugfix: add support for 1 & 2 columns
– enable smart images by default for new users

* v1.6.4.3
– bugfix: Post scrolling is too slow (if sticky comments filter was enabled)

* v1.6.4.2
– bugfix: http://*.leprosorium.ru/users/*/comments/* picture width is too wide!

* v1.6.4.1
– code cleanup

* v1.6.4
– bugfix: wrong stats for date filter
– optimization: collapsed/expanded comments optimization
– optimization: code cleanup (remove unused code/remove unused css styles)

* v1.6.3
– feature: added expand/close icon for comment filter panel
– feature: added date filter for comment filter panel
– bugfix: fix huge picture option
– support: fix filter issue with lepra+ extension

* v1.6.2
– bugfix: fix typos in the comment filter

* v1.6.1
– bugfix: goverment never updated from the page

* v1.6
– feature: comments filters
– feature: show goverment icons on the goverment page
– bugfix: post close menu partly hidden

* v1.5.7.2
– bugfix: fix pinterest mode option for main/sub pages

* v1.5.7.1
– feature: infinity scroll
– feature: save the state of pinterest switch for each sublepra/main pages separately
– bugfix: highlight wrong user if there is other user in the post’s body
– bugfix: wrong video removed if there was more than 1 video in the post
– bugfix: sublepras were broken

* v1.5.6
– feature: configurable number of columns
– bugfix: cursor size in reply case
– bugfix: fix Anarchy mode (don’t show anarchy mode for sublepras)
– experiment: image loader indicator

* v1.5.5
– bugfix: fix GA tracker code

* v1.5.4
– feature: support media player integration (youtube/vimeo/coub)
– feature: support goverment (different icons for people from the democracy page)
– feature: support anarchy mode
– feature: highlight author’s comments in the post
– feature: gallery mode
– feature: correct width of huge images
– bugfix: disable jump to user profile during comment’s writing (if you type ‘u’ in textarea)
– upgrade: jQuery from v1.8.3 to v2.0.3
– experiment: comments mini navigation

* v1.5.3
– feature: click over [-] in the comments navigation panel show/hide only comments of 1st level, ctrl+click show/hide all comments
– feature: store comments’ state between lepra sessions
– feature: additional hotkeys
– bugfix: if <open by click> feature is enabled then you cannot click over post’s counter
– bugfix: pinterest mode works for sublepras
– bugfix: comments show/hide if there are new comments
– bugfix: disable sex detection for username in the post

* v1.5.2
– bugfix: typo errors, proof-reading, thanks to hitch
– feature: auto save option without the <save> button
– ui: reduced size of [-]’s button in the comment toolbar
– feature: enable male/female mode by default for new users

* v1.5.1
– bugfix: include male/female icons and color picker script into the extension.

* v1.5
– added: male/female mode

* v1.4.9
– bugfix: support anchor clicks for wrapped elements

* v1.4.8
– bugfix: if user clicks anchor element in the postcard then don’t open post, just process clicked link.

* v1.4.7
– added: open post by any click over post-card
– added: keyboard navigation for pinterest mode

* v1.4.6
– ui added: pinterest mode, separate option for main page, my things, my favorites, user’s posts, user’s favorites posts
– added: smart images option for pinterest mode. Now it is possible to disable this mode. It is turned off by default for new users.
– bugfix: restore links on the post: add to favs, remove from favs, my things link on my things, my favs pages

* v1.4.5
– added: smart pictures resize (ignore to resize duplicated picture, don’t resize small single picture)

* v1.4.4
– bugfix: empty post’s count
– added: pinterest mode for: my things, my favorites, user’s posts, user’s favorites posts
– added: use gray background color for posts with negative karma
– ui: fix padding for post’s count without minus/plus buttons
– optimization: removed css transition for hovered post

* v1.4.3
– bugfix: disable pinterest mode for ‘my things’
– bugfix: disable overflow plus/minus buttons with other text. works for 2/3/4 columns now
– ui: added options page
– ui: relocated pinterest button from the main navigation to the left column

* v1.4.2
– disable <pinterest mode> for sub pages.
– fix manifest problem

* v1.4.1
– disable pinterest mode for user’s page

* v1.4
– added a new <pinterest mode>, use `p` key on the main page or sub pages.

* v1.3
– added a <picture mode>, use `p` key
– added hotkey for <toggle all comments>, use `*` key

* v1.2
– added a <toggle all comments> button
– fixed css style for a <toggle comment> button

* v1.1
– initial release

In conclusion, the process for modifying our browser’s behaviour to add the word count feature is unbelievably simple. In this regard, an extension not only solves a problem that we have but also adds a greater degree of functionality to the experience of using an Edge browser. If you have any problem with Leprosorium on Steroids Add-ons install feel free to comment below next reply to answer this question.


Price: Free

Author Details


Teresa Marks


Hello! My name is Teresa Marks. I am an engineer and Blogger. I want to share my experience and important points that are needed when starting any Edge extension information

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