Requestly: Open Source HTTPs Debugging Proxy

By Requestly: Open Source HTTPs Debugging Proxy

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Download and install the REQUESTLY extension 23.5.19 for Microsoft edge store. Also, REQUESTLY addons is very helpful for every computer and mobile users Users.



Requestly: Open Source HTTPs Debugging Proxy extension for Edge

REQUESTLY Extension For Microsoft Edge you can help quality browser using. Day by Day, increase user Microsoft Edge. This guide will help you to download REQUESTLY extension 23.5.19 on their website. Anyway, REQUESTLY is developed by REQUESTLY. First, you must download their Edge browser then this guide will help to install on their browser through the extension.

In the event that you have wanted to download an extension onto the latest version of Microsoft Edge, there is a simple and straightforward course of action. The following steps will enable you to download and install any extensions that you might want to use.

Download REQUESTLY extension for Microsoft Edge is the most popular Microsoft edge browser an extension free download alternative website. On this website when you can download Extensions no need for any Registration. I think you have a better solution to this website. REQUESTLY is the Productivity category extension in the Microsoft Edge web store.

Anyway, You can understand that how to download the free REQUESTLY extension 23.5.19 simply by visiting our website. There are no special technical skills required to save the files on your computer. So what are you waiting for? Go ahead!

REQUESTLY extension Features

Build, Test & Debug 10x faster with API Client, Mock Server, Intercept & Modify HTTPs Requests/Response & Session Recording.
⚡️ Open-Source developer tool that makes frontend dev lifecycle 10x faster. Used by over 190000+ web developers in 7000+ organizations. Github Repo –

Requestly brings the power of Charles Proxy, Fiddler, Postman, Insomnia, ModHeader, etc directly to the browser with beautiful, modern UI, Collaboration features, and active support from founders & the team. Instead of dealing with multiple applications, Requestly provides the required tooling in place to improve the productivity of front-end developers.

Here are some top features
👉 Use Mock Server to create fake/Mock API endpoints
👉 Use API Client to hit API endpoints & check API response
👉 Use Redirect Rule to redirect APIs, and JS from one environment to another (e.g. Prod to Staging or Prod to local)
👉 Use Modify Response Rule to override API response body and test new response
👉 Modify HTTP request & response Headers
👉 Share video, console logs, and network logs with fellow developers for faster debugging

👉 Mock API Response – XMLHttpRequest (XHR) & Fetch Requests
▪️ Define Custom Response for your APIs requested by XHR/fetch
▪️ Start working on frontend when the backend is not ready
▪️ Modify API response directly in Staging or Production environment
▪️ Works with graphQL APIs
▪️ Simulate fake HTTP Status Code (400s or 500s) for APIs
▪️ Simulate bad API responses and test different error paths in your frontend code
📌 Demo Video –

👉 Redirect URL, Change Host, Modify Query Params (Map Remote or Map Local)
▪️ Use dev/staging APIs in production sites & test local changes without deployment
▪️ Debug remote Javascript by loading local JS in production sites
▪️ Switch Hosts (e.g.* to*)
▪️ Debug Ad Tracking Pixels, Debug A/B Test Campaigns, etc
▪️ Remote Debugging with Requestly on Production sites
▪️ Swap Adobe Launch (Adobe DTM) scripts in production with staging script
📌 Demo Video — (Map Local)

👉 Modify HTTP Headers – Add/Remove/Update request and response Headers
▪️ It can be used to handle CORS Issues in your application
▪️ Add / Remove / Modify Content-Security-Policy, X-Frame Options, X-Forwarded-For, Authorization, Access-Control-Allow-Origin, mime-type, user-agent headers, etc
▪️ Manage cookies in the response headers
▪️ Conditional URL targeting for header modifications
▪️ Selenium Integration –
📌 Demo Video — (Modify Headers Demo)

👉 Share sessions with teammates including Video, console logs, network logs & env details
▪️ Get quality bug reports from QAs, Customer Support & other non-technical people
▪️ Never deal with asking for Steps to Reproduce
▪️ Attach the session recording link in Jira Tickets, Emails, or Slack anywhere
▪️ Improve debugging experience by 10x
📌 Demo Video –

👉 Delay/Throttle Network Requests – API Requests, JS, CSS, etc
▪️ Supports delay in both XHR & fetch based API requests
▪️ Delay API requests to test the loading experience of your app
▪️ Test different race conditions in your applications, you can delay a script by some milliseconds
▪️ Test your app when one or more APIs respond slow or fail (API Latency has gone up)

👉 Insert Scripts to any Webpage like TamperMonkey or GreaseMonkey Scripts
▪️ UserScripts are simple javascript, CSS code that can change the layout of a page, add or remove new functionality and content, or automate actions.
▪️ Use File Hosting service to upload long scripts and Inject them using Script Rule
▪️ Inject your JS tags on potential customers’ sites and test your features
▪️ The sales/product team can use this to demo the product directly on the prospect’s website (10x engaging demo)
📌 Demo — (Insert Custom Scripts)

👉 Block requests or Websites by matching keywords or URL criteria
▪️ Block internal & external Scripts/APIs & test the impact on your websites
▪️ Build your own custom blocker: Block URLs matching a particular pattern – Could be Ads, Tracking pixels, Images, etc

👉 Additional Features
▪️ Enable/Disable rules with a single click
▪️ Export and import the rules and maintain a backup for your rules
▪️ Easy collaboration with others. Share Rules with other Users in one click
📌 Demo —

🏡 Website –
📖 Docs –
🥷 Github –
💻 Desktop App –
📳 Issues –
🔓Privacy –

In conclusion, the process for modifying our browser’s behavior to add the word count feature is unbelievably simple. In this regard, an extension not only solves a problem that we have but also adds a greater degree of functionality to the experience of using an Edge browser. If you have any problem with REQUESTLY Add-ons install feel free to comment below next replay to answer this question.


Price: Free

Author Details

Md Sopnil

Technical Information

File size:423KiB
Copyright:Requestly: Open Source HTTPs Debugging Proxy

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